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Murder Inc.: Jagger Rose (2023)
Band 4: (von 6)

Serie: Murder Inc.: Jagger Rose (2023)
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Brian Michael Bendis / Michael Avon Oeming
Verlag: Dark Horse Comics
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

From the creators of the Eisner Award-winning, bestselling POWERS comes an entirely new crime fiction world where the five families of organized crime never lost their power over the United States.  Now, half the country is a smorgasbord of sex and sin ruled by loyalty and “family values” as the rest of the world looks on in awe, rage, or jealousy. Join us as newly “made” Valentine Gallo and Jagger Rose rise through the ranks of the notorious Bonavese family.    The pope herself has come to Jagger Rose and made her an offer that has sent all the families into internal chaos. Is it an offer she can’t refuse?!  And what if she does? All will be revealed in this all-new gorgeously illustrated new chapter of MURDER INC.

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Murder Inc.: Jagger Rose (2023)
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Murder Inc.: Jagger Rose (2023)
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Murder Inc.: Jagger Rose (2023)
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4,31 €
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