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Verlage -- Antarctic Press
Hier finden Sie alle Serien, die für den Verlag 'Antarctic Press' im Bestand sind. Klicken Sie auf die Serie, um alle Einzeltitel anzuzeigen.

32-Bit Zombie (2014)

A Traveller´s Tale (1992) A very Zombie.. (2010-2013)
A-OK (1992) Adventure Finders - Vol. 1 (2017-2018)
Airship Enterprise (2015-2017) Albedo - Vol.2 (1991)
Alias: Black & White (2021-2022) Alley Oop (1998)
Alley Oop (1999) American Woman (1998)
Antares Circle (1990) Areala: Angel of War (1998-1999)
ARGH! America´s Really Got Heroes! (2022) ARGH! America´s Really Got Heroes! - Sketch Comic (2022)

Bad Kids go to Hell - Vol. 1 (2009) Beowulf (2006)
Black Hops / Kamen America (2024) Blade Bunny - Vol. 1 (2016)

Cadmus (2017) Cat Girl (ab 2022)
Cat Shit One - Vol. 3 (ab 2022) Chip - Vol. 1 (2010)
Chip - Vol. 2: Second Crack (2010-2011) Coaraptor: Kaiju of the Wind (ab 2022)
Cocaine: Kaiju - Sketchbook: 8 Ball Pack (2023) Cocaine: Kaiju - Sketchbook: Black Edition (2023)
Cocaine: Kaiju - Sketchbook: White Edition (2023) Collected Fantastic Panic, The (Paperback)
Cookie and the Kid - Vol. 1 (2019-2021) Cookie and the Kid - Vol. 2 (2021-2022)
Counter Ops (2003) Crimson Scorpion (2020-2021)
Critter - Vol. 3 (ab 2024) Cybertronian: Unofficial Transformers Guide (Digest)

Dark Shrine (1999) Deadforce - Vol. 2 (1999)
Death by Life (2021-2022) Diary of a Zombie Kid (Paperback)
Dino Wars - The Jurassic War of the Worlds (2006-2007) Dodekain (1994)
Dog Eaters (2019-2020)

Eater´s Digest (Paperback) Exciting Comics (ab 2019)
Exciting Comics - Sketchbook (2024) Exciting Comics Extravaganza (2019)

Fail of the Dead (2011) Fantasy Comics (ab 2023)
Fantasy Comics - Sketchbook Nr. 2 (2023) Fantasy Comics Gallery (2023)
Far West: Bad Mojo (2009) Fated Faeries (2024)
Final Girl (2007) Fire & Brimstone (2008-2009)
Fire & Brimstone (Paperback) Freakier Than Normal (ab 2024)
Furrlough (ab 1991)

Gearhearts: Steampunk Glamour Revue - Vol. 1 (2011-2013) Gearhearts: Steampunk Glamour Revue - Vol. 2 (2014)
Gears and Bones (Paperback) Gobs (2011-2012)
Gojin (1995-1996) Gold Digger - Coloring Book (2021)
Gold Digger - Tech Manual (2009-2010) Gold Digger - Vol. 3 (1999-2023)
Gold Digger - XMAS Special: Stocking Stuffer (2022) Gold Digger Sketchcard Album (2009)
Gold Digger Swimsuit Special (ab 2000) Gold Digger Xmas Special (2007-2018)
Gold Digger: Gold Brick (Paperback) Gold Digger: Tifanny & Charlotte (2009)
Gold Digger: War Mistress of Mars (2024) Gold Digger: War Mistress of Mars (Hardcover)
Guzzi LeMans (1996)

H.E.R.O.I.C. Awards (Paperback) Horror Comics (ab 2019)
Horror Comics - Black & White (2020-2021) Horror Comics - Sketchbook: Blood Dead Edition (2023)
Horror Comics - Sketchbook: Shroud Black Edition (2023) Horror Comics: Vampire Ninja Ono (Paperback)
Hot Valley Days and Cocaine Nights: Snow Business (Paperback) How To Draw Manga Compilation (Paperback)

I Hunt Monsters - Vol. 1 (2004) I Hunt Monsters - Vol. 2 (2005)
Interstellar Dust (2023-2024)

Jungle Comics (ab 2019)

Kaiju Cooking (2023) Kamen America Homeland Insecurity (2023)
Kamen America: Fateful Lightning (2025) Kamen America: Success & Nobleness (2023)
Kamen Americana: The Founding Fighters (2021) Knightmare (1994-1995)

Land of OZ: The Manga (2008) Last Zombie, The (Paperback)
Last Zombie, The - Vol. 1 (2010-2011) Last Zombie, The - Vol. 2: Inferno (2011)
Last Zombie, The - Vol. 3: Neverland (2012) Last Zombie, The - Vol. 4: Before the After (2012-2013)
Last Zombie, The - Vol. 5: The End (2013) Last Zombie: Before the After (Paperback)
Leave on the Light (2019-2020) Leave on the Light (Paperback)
Legacy (1999-2003) Lillith: Demon Princess (1996-1997)
Littlest Zombie, The (2010)

Manga Z (ab 2022) Mary Machinegun (2023)
Mechamen (1990) Meta Docs: Type A (2005)
Metadocs: Code Black (2006) Mighty Tiny (1989-1990)
Mighty Tiny: The Mouse Marines (1991) Mischief & Mayhem: Field Trip to Heck (2006)
Mobster Graveyard (2018-2019) Monkey Peak (Paperback)
Monkeybug Madness (2006)

Neotopia - Vol. 1 (2003-2004) Neotopia - Vol. 2: The Perilous Winds of Athanon (2003)
Neotopia - Vol. 3: The Kingdom Beyond (2004) Neotopia - Vol. 4: The New World (2004)
New Alice in Wonderland (2006) Nick Ryan, The Skull (1994)
Ninja High School (ab 1986) Ninja High School - Perfect Memory (1994)
Ninja High School - S.T.D. (1992) Ninja High School presents: Bikini Sentai G-Ranger (Paperback)
Ninja High School Talks About Comic printing (1993) Ninja High School Yearbook (1993)
Ninja High School YEARBOOK for 1989 (1989-1994) Ninja High School: Indie Wars (Paperback)
Nyobi: Outbreak (ab 2024)

O.B.E. - Out of Body Experience (2021) Official Handbook of the Gold Digger Universe (2006-2007)

Patriotika (2020) Patriotika (Paperback)
Patriotika United (2021-2022) Penguina Adelie (2023)
Penguina: Blackfoot (2024) Planet Comics (ab 2020)
Planet of the Living Dead (2010) President Evil (2009-2010)
Prince of Heroes, The: Chapter 2 (2009) Private American (ab 2025)
Private American - Variant Cover B (ab 2025) Punchline (2018-2023)
Punchline (Paperback) Punchline - Digest Edition (Paperback)
Punchline - Sketchbook (2023) Punchline - Special (2022)
Punchline - Swimsuit Special Winter Edition (2024)

Rags (2018-2020) Return to the Planet of the Living Dead (2011)

Samurai 2.0 (2022) Samurai 2.0 (Paperback)
Science is Magic (Paperback) Scratcher (2019)
Serina (1996) Shadow Gear (1999)
Shotgun Mary (1994-1996) Sidewinder (ab 2017)
Sketchbook Comics - Triple Threat Pack (2022) Sky Sharks (2007)
Sky Sharks (Paperback) Spectreman Heroes (2022-2023)
Spectreman Heroes (Hardcover) Spectreman Heroes (Paperback)
Stargod 2 (1998) Steam League (2015-2016)
Steam Wars (2013-2014) Steam Wars: Bounty Hunters - Hell for Hire (2016)
Steam Wars: Chronicles (ab 2016) Steam Wars: Gearjammer (2016)
Steambusters (2015) Steampunk Fables: The Little Match Girl (2015)
Steampunk Glamour Gazette (2018-2019) Steampunk Halloween (2013)
Steampunk Tales (ab 2014) Steampunk: Goldilocks (2014)
Stellar Losers (1993) Superhero - Sketchbook (2025)
Superverse - Festivus Special (2024)

Taboux (1996) Tainted Love (ab 2019)
Tales of the Fehnnik (1995) Teether (2017-2020)
Teether: A Long and Lonesome Island (2021) Teether: Parental Guidance (ab 2024)
The Starlight Agency (1991) Thin Blue Line (2024)
Tomorrow Girl (ab 2023) Tomorrow Girl vs. Kamen America: Red, White And Bruised (Paperback)
Tomorrow Girl X Punchline: No Tomorrows (2025) Tomorrow Man (2000)
Turnbuckle Titans (2018-2019)

Unprepped (2022-2023)

V-Card, The (ab 2020) Valhalla (1999)
Valkyrie Saviors (2021) Valkyrie Saviors: Key of Storms (ab 2023)
Victorian Secret - Girls of Steampunk: Girls of Summer (2012) Victorian Secret - Girls of Steampunk: Masquerade (2012)
Victorian Secret - Girls of Steampunk: Masquerade (2013) Victorian Secret - Girls of Steampunk: Steam Hunter (2015)
Victorian Secret Agents: Owls of the Ironwork Isle (2013-2014) Victorian Secret Collection (Paperback)
Victorian Secret Steampunk Angels (2013-2014) Victorian Secret: Summer Special (2013)

Warrior Nun Areala - Vol. 2 (1997-1998) Warrior Nun Areala - Vol. 3 (1999-2001)
Warrior Nun Areala - Vol. 4 (2001-2004) Warrior Nun Areala: Portraits (1996)
Warrior Nun Areala: Rituals (1995-1996) Warrior Nun Areala: Scorpio Rose (1996-1997)
Warrior Nun Areala: The Battle of Britain Warrior Nun Brigantia (2000)
Warrior Nun: Black & White (1997-1999) Westside (2000)
Wicked Witches (2024) William the Last (ab 2018)
William the Last: Fight and Flight (2018) Winds of Winter (2001)
Winnie the Pooh: Demon Hunter (2024) World War 3 (2021)
World War 3 (Paperback) World War 3: Battle Over Hokkaido (2021-2023)
World War 3: Battle Over Hokkaido (Paperback) World War 3: Raid on Tokyo - Vol. 1 (2022-2023)
World War 3: Raid on Tokyo - Vol. 1 (Paperback) World War 3: Raid on Tokyo - Vol. 2 (2023-2024)

Yor: The Hunter from the Future (ab 2024)

Zetraman (1991-1992) Zombie Fairy Tales: Undead the Sea (2014)
Zombie Killustrated (2014)
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Portofreier Versand ab 40,- Euro
für Comics und Bücher bei Bezahlung
per Lastschrift oder Vorkasse
(nur innerhalb Deutschlands)
Avengers - Vol. 5 (ab 2024)
Band 10
Walking Dead, The - Deluxe: Variant Cover H (ab 2020)
Band 100
Alldine & die Weltraumpiraten (ab 2022)
Band 3
JSA - Vol. 2: Variant Cover Z (Limitiert)
Band 1
Moses Rose - Bundle (2024)
Band 1
JSA - Vol. 2: Variant Cover B (ab 2024)
Band 1
Horror Schocker Grusel Gigant (ab 2016)
Band 9
Star Wars: Ahsoka (ab 2024)
Band 5
Band 135: Liberty
Venom War - Variant Cover F (ab 2024)
Band 4: (von 5)
Alle laufenden Comicserien deutscher oder amerikanischer Verlage konnen abonniert oder vorbestellt werden.
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Spider-Man - Vol. 6: Variant Cover C (ab 2023)
Band 28
Obscure Cities, The: The Return of Captain Nemo (Hardcover)
Band 0
Zeter und Mordio - Frei nach den Memoiren der Glückel von Hameln (2024)
Band 1
Monster Fun (ab 2024)
Band 21: Super-Heroes
Horror Schocker (ab 2004)
Band 74: Der Schrecken aus dem Permafrost
Batman - Vol. 3 (ab 2016)
Band 154
Parker Girls (2024)
Band 1
Space Usagi: White Star Rising (ab 2024)
Band 1
Nick Unmixed (ab 2016)
Band 57
ThunderCats - Vol. 3: Variant Cover F (ab 2024)
Band 9

Neuware - ungelesen

Zustand 1
sehr guter Zustand, praktisch neuwertig

Zustand 2
es gibt normale Gebrauchsspuren, kleine Defekte möglich

Zustand 3
deutliche Gebrauchsspuren, Knicke, kleine Risse oder auch Beschriftungen möglich.

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leichte Auf- oder Abstufungen der oben angegebenen Zustandsangaben