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Fiction Squad (Paperback)
Band 1

Serie: Fiction Squad (Paperback)
Zusatzinfo: enthält Originalausgaben - US Hefte Fiction Squad Nr. 1-6 (Komplettstory)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Paul Jenkins / Ramon Bachs
Verlag: Boom! Studios
Seiten: 160
Preis: 21,61 €
In den Warenkorb

What's to Love: After publishing Paul Jenkins' Fairy Quest, we kinda have a thing for Fablewood, where all fairy tales and bedtime stories live side-by-side. So when he came up with a mystery and fantasy mash-up adventure set there and enlisted his Civil War: Front Line artist Ramon Bachs, we hopped aboard faster than Alice went down the rabbit hole. In Fiction Squad, every nursery rhyme is a crime scene in the making. If you like your mystery mashed up with fantasy, like Fables and Once Upon a Time, this has got you covered. What It Is: Fablewood is a pretty dangerous place, but no area is more dangerous than the City of Rimes, deep in the heart of the Children's Realm. After transferring in from the Realm of Mystery, a failed detective from an unfinished prose novel, Frankie Mack, is about to uncover a conspiracy that could unmake storytelling itself. After Humpty Dumpty is pushed to crack and Jack (of Jack and Jill) goes AWOL, Frankie and his partner, Simple Simon, are put on the case. Collects the complete six-issue miniseries.

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