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What We Mean By Yesterday (Paperback)
Band 1

Serie: What We Mean By Yesterday (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Benjamin Marra
Verlag: Fantagraphics Books
Seiten: 380
Preis: 27,02 €
In den Warenkorb

Bruce Barnes is a schoolteacher having yet another shit day. His students are a disrespectful nightmare, gleefully relishing the misery they put him through. But today is even worse than usual, and after a particularly grim run-in with a student, he heads to the break room to bum a smoke off another member of the faculty. After lighting up, he’s told the cigarette is laced with amphetamines. From there, Bruce rides his “rage snake” from the classroom to the ends of the cosmos and back — fighting, fucking, shooting, racing, and tripping his way from one impulsive move to the next. Reminiscent of films like Falling Down and shows like Breaking Bad, What We Mean By Yesterday is a black comedy descent into madness, a revenge horror/fantasy that gives new meaning to the phrase “bad trip.”What We Mean By Yesterday began as a daily comic strip, one page per day, posted on Marra’s Instagram (@benjamin_marra). Originally begun as an experiment in drawing faster and looser, it quickly became one of the more popular pandemic era webcomics, followed by over 20,000 readers daily.
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