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Bad Omens: Concrete Jungle (2023-2024)
Band 1: (von 4)

Serie: Bad Omens: Concrete Jungle (2023-2024)
Zusatzinfo: Cover D - 1:5 Nicola Izzo Retailer Incentive Variant Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Noah Sebastian / Nicola Izzo
Verlag: Sumerian
Seiten: 24

Photoshoot variant with series co-writer and Bad Omens lead singer Noah Sebastian. From the mega-viral and chart-topping band known as Bad Omens comes this comic series based on their newest record, The Death of Peace of Mind. Bad Omens is one of many crime syndicates that operate in the largest district of the lawless and predominantly self-governed Concrete Jungle. Their members toe-the-line morally when it comes to their revolving door of methods and motives, but in the end they could be the antiheroes the city needs and the true kings of the concrete jungle. After the Bad Omens take possession of a local museum containing some of the last art pieces not in possession of "You Know Who," they face off against the previous owner - a vicious crime lord who won't let his property go without a fight. A high-octane battle breaks out amongst the priceless artifacts packed with gun fu à la JOHN WICK!

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Bad Omens: Concrete Jungle (2023-2024)
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Bad Omens: Concrete Jungle (2023-2024)
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Bad Omens: Concrete Jungle (2023-2024)
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Bad Omens: Concrete Jungle (2023-2024)
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