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X-Files, The: Case Files - Hoot Goes There? (2018)
Band 1: (von 2)

Serie: X-Files, The: Case Files - Hoot Goes There? (2018)
Zusatzinfo: Cover B by J.J. Lendl
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Joe Landsdale / Keith Landsdale / Menton3
Verlag: IDW
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

For 25 years, FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have been shining their flashlights into the shadows, searching for the truth. To celebrate this anniversary, IDW Publishing proudly presents The X-Files: Case Files! Under this banner, faithful fans will see the release of numerous micro-series, featuring stories that explore X-Files of the past and present by top talent from comics and prose!
This second offering comes from legendary author Joe R. Lansdale, Keith Lansdale and artist Silvia Califano. In “Hoot Goes There?”, Scully and Mulder find themselves on the road again, this time to a small East Texas town to investigate the disappearance of a woman said to have been carried away by a creature fitting the description of a harpy from Greek myth. But things only get stranger from there…

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X-Files, The: Case Files - Hoot Goes There? (2018)
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