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Teen Titans Earth One (Paperback)
Band 2

Serie: Teen Titans Earth One (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jeff Lemire / Andy MacDonald
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 144

After months on the run from the twisted project that created them, Cyborg, Terra, Beast Boy and Garth are near the breaking point, barely surviving on what they can steal, squatting in the ruins of an abandoned subdivision. But as they reach their lowest ebb, their creator, Dr. Niles Caulder, is ready to make his move…and they’re about to learn that they weren’t the only kids to go through Caulder’s twisted process! There are more children with powers out there, and unlike our heroes, they were raised to be the living weapons Caulder wants all his Titans to be!

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