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Marvel Zombies - Vol. 6: Battleworld (Paperback)

Serie: Marvel Zombies - Vol. 6: Battleworld (Paperback)
Zusatzinfo: enthält Originalausgaben - US Hefte Marvel Zombies - Vol. 6 Nr. 1-4 / Marvel Zombies - Vol. 1 Nr. 1 (Komplettstory)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Simon Spurrier / Kev Walker / Robert Kirkman / Sean Phillips
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 112

Elsa Bloodstone is stationed on the Wall, tasked with keeping Battleworld’s zombie hordes contained. Elsa thinks often of her deceased father, Ulysses Bloodstone — how all his lessons gave her the skills to fight, but the love he didn’t give is indirectly what landed her on the Wall to begin with. When Elsa spots a human child caught in the zombieverse, she decides to rescue the girl — and now, stranded in the Deadlands with this mysterious child and stalked by a merciless hunter, Elsa must traverse the zombie-ridden landscape and escape. But haunted by ghosts from her past — including visions of her stern father — Elsa realizes it may not be the zombies she fears. And she’s about to learn that the child is not what she claims to be.

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