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Bombshell & Tomm Tomm (ab 2023)
Band 1

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Serie: Bombshell & Tomm Tomm (ab 2023)
Zusatzinfo: Cover A by Mark Sparacio
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Mark Sparacio
Verlag: American Mythology Productions
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

It's 1938 in Amesbury, England. While performing aerial stunts in the Aerobatique Show for her adoring fans, American Pilot, Samantha "Bombshell" Cartwright's, aeroplane is struck by a meteorite. After safely landing her Curtiss P-40, curiosity gets the better of Sam and she goes to investigate the meteor's crash site. What Sam finds is more than she bargained for: an 8 foot tall Automaton, who she will eventually call "TommTomm". Not able to communicate, TommTomm becomes Sam's body guard as they along with MI-5 Agent Terrence Wilkinson and MI-5 Scientist, Professor Graham Rockwell encounter Nazi spies, ancient religious artifacts and alien races. Bombshell and TommTomm is a fast paced, action packed, adventure comic, like the kind you used to love. Come along for the ride, you won't be disappointed!

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Bombshell & Tomm Tomm (ab 2023)
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