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Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Band 4: (von 5)

Serie: Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Zusatzinfo: B - Variant Cover by John Giang
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: David Walker / Dave Wachter / John Giang
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

THE DIE HAS BEEN THROWN! Juliana must guide the apes on an 865-mile trek from New York City to the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia. The road will be long and treacherous with the Exercitus Viri not far behind, blinded by bloodthirsty rage. Will Juliana be able to get all the apes to safety and potentially usher in humanity's salvation? Or will the path to hope lead to a dead end strewn with blood and death?

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Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
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5,39 €
Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
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Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)
Band 1: (von 5)
49,00 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Planet of the Apes - Vol. 5 (2023)'
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Zustand 1
sehr guter Zustand, praktisch neuwertig

Zustand 2
es gibt normale Gebrauchsspuren, kleine Defekte möglich

Zustand 3
deutliche Gebrauchsspuren, Knicke, kleine Risse oder auch Beschriftungen möglich.

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