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Seasons have Teeth, The (2023)
Band 3: (von 4)

Serie: Seasons have Teeth, The (2023)
Zusatzinfo: A - Main Cover by Qistina Khalidah
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Dan Watters / Sebastian Cabrol / Qistina Khalidah
Verlag: Boom! Studios
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

While the Summer photos are a sensation, Autumn is a different beast altogether, and not just because the stationary lair of decay takes up the entirety of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, threatening another meltdown. It's the time of guilt for Andrew, where his life started to wither as well, but can it do any more harm in the present than it has in the past? Readers will find out in the thrilling and timely penultimate issue before winter and the grand finale arrives!

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Seasons have Teeth, The (2023)
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Seasons have Teeth, The (2023)
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5,39 €
Seasons have Teeth, The (2023)
Band 4: (von 4)
5,39 €
Seasons have Teeth, The (2023)
Band 4: (von 4)
5,39 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Seasons have Teeth, The (2023)'
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Zustand 2
es gibt normale Gebrauchsspuren, kleine Defekte möglich

Zustand 3
deutliche Gebrauchsspuren, Knicke, kleine Risse oder auch Beschriftungen möglich.

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