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Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 18: (von 18)

Serie: Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Zusatzinfo: Cover D by Walter Geovani
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Torunn Gronbekk / Walter Geovani
Verlag: Dynamite Entertainment
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

In this issue: It all ends here! Lingering between life and death, Sonja watches as her world is consumed by moving shadows, its creatures condemned to suffer deaths beyond death. Kulan Gath has assumed a new form and, with it, a terrifying power that bends reality to his will. Once an observer, Gath is now an unstoppable force of destruction, and he drives the world into a final battle between gods, men, and devils alike! Woven in cloth-of-gold by TORUNN GR NBEKK and expertly tailored by WALTER GEOVANI, the closing chapter of Red Sonja #18 arrives in the afterlife bedecked in shimmering covers from GEOVANI, LUCIO PARRILLO, BJORN BARENDS, JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER, and cosplay by ELEONORA DELACY!

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Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
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Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 4: (von 18)
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Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 4: (von 18)
4,31 €
Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 1: (von 18)
4,31 €
Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 1: (von 18)
4,31 €
Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 1: (von 18)
4,31 €
Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 1: (von 18)
4,31 €
Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 1: (von 18)
4,31 €
Red Sonja - Vol. 10 (2023-2025)
Band 1: (von 18)
4,31 €
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