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Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Band 23

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Serie: Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Zusatzinfo: Cover RI - 1:10 Takashi Okazaki Retailer Incentive Variant Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Christopher Cantwell / Angel Unzueta / Takashi Okazaki
Verlag: IDW
Seiten: 32
Preis: 20,54 €
In den Warenkorb

Alexander’s cha’DIch Worf has tasked him with a near-impossible task for his Errand of Valor: rescue the workers rebelling against a deuterium mega-power, Archanis Inter-Corporate. He must fight selflessly in the name of the helpless…even if it costs him his life. If that weren’t enough of a challenge, a face from Alexander’s bloody past appears to test where his heart truly lies.Meanwhile, in the minefield of the Alpha Quadrant, Ro, B’Elanna, and O’Brien find themselves in a stalemate between the Cardassians and Section 31 that could end explosively.

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Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Band 10
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Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Band 1
5,39 €
Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Band 1
5,39 €
Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Band 3
5,39 €
Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Band 3
8,00 €
Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Band 3
24,00 €
Star Trek: Defiant (ab 2023)
Band 4
5,39 €
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Portofreier Versand ab 40,- Euro
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per Lastschrift oder Vorkasse
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