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Sabretooth: The Dead Don´t Talk (ab 2024)
Band 2: (von 5)

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Serie: Sabretooth: The Dead Don´t Talk (ab 2024)
Zusatzinfo: A - Cover by Tyler Kirkham
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Frank Tieri / Michael Sta. Maria / Tyler Kirkham
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

With names like the Frankengang, the Spirits of '76 and the Nightshifters, the gangs of 1900s NYC are as varied and colorful as they are deadly. But the question is...are they as deadly as the new gangster in town, Mad Dog Murphy (better known to us as Sabretooth)? And maybe the bigger question...are any of them as deadly as the even-newer player in the New York underworld...the man-eating crocodilian? Find out as the streets of the Five Points run red with gang blood!

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Sabretooth: The Dead Don´t Talk (ab 2024)
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Sabretooth: The Dead Don´t Talk (ab 2024)
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Sabretooth: The Dead Don´t Talk (ab 2024)
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Sabretooth: The Dead Don´t Talk (ab 2024)
Band 5: (von 5)
4,31 €
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