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Limited Collectors´ Edition - Facsimile Edition: Variant Cover B (ab 2024)
Band 48

Serie: Limited Collectors´ Edition - Facsimile Edition: Variant Cover B (ab 2024)
Zusatzinfo: B - Foil Variant Cover by Carmine Infantino, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, & Bob Oksner / One-Shot 2025
Fomat: Magazin
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jim Shooter E. Nelson Bridwell / Various / Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Carmine Infantino
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 56
Preis: 18,37 €
In den Warenkorb

Art by Curt Swan, Ross Andru, Neal Adams, Carmine Infantino, George Klein and Dick Giordano The greatest races of all time between Superman and the Flash are reproduced in this tabloid-size facsimile of the 1976 Limited Collectors' Edition classic. In addition to tales of super-speed, this issue includes bonus features like a tour of Superman's Fortress of Solitude drawn by Neal Adams and "How to Draw the Flash!" by Carmine Infantino. Test your knowledge with a Flash puzzle and be sure to buy a second copy to cut out the tabletop diorama on the back cover.

Kunden, die dieses Comic gekauft haben, kauften auch:

Fantastic Four - Vol. 1: Facsimile Edition (ab 2018)
Band 1
5,39 €
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Fantastic Four - Vol. 7: Variant Cover D (ab 2022)
Band 28
4,31 €
Lonesome (2018-2025)
Band 4: (von 4) Das Reich des Hexers
18,00 €
Limited Collectors´ Edition - Facsimile Edition (ab 2024)
Band 48
16,21 €
  Der Warenkorb ist leer!

Portofreier Versand ab 40,- Euro
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Alle laufenden Comicserien deutscher oder amerikanischer Verlage konnen abonniert oder vorbestellt werden.
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Question, The: All Along the Watchtower (ab 2024)
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Captain America - Epic Collection: New Printing (Paperback)
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