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Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 1082

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Serie: Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Zusatzinfo: C - Card Stock Variant Cover by Kenneth Rocafort
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: John Ridley / Inaki Miranda / Kenneth Rocafort
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 6,48 €
In den Warenkorb

"Superman Superstars" continues with an unforgettable tale about Superman's greatest gift to the world...hope. Major Disaster returns to Metropolis and his old ways much to the dismay of the Man of Steel. Can his alter ego Clark Kent discover the reason behind this villain's decline back into the world of crime?

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
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5,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
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8,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 681
6,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 684: Doomsday!
18,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 687: Reign of the Superman
5,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 687: Reign of the Superman
3,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 688: Reign of the Superman
4,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 689: Reign of the Superman
3,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 690: Reign of the Superman
3,00 €
Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)
Band 691: Reign of the Superman
3,00 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Action Comics - Vol. 1 (Superman in Action Comics / ab 1938)'
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