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X-Factor - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 10: Wreaking Havok

Serie: X-Factor - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: John Francis Moore / Jeff Matsuda / Steve Epting
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 496
Preis: 48,64 €
In den Warenkorb

X-Factor's adventures continue in this Epic Collection chock full of stories never-before reprinted!With his powers surging out of control, Alex Summers is running wild! X-Factor must track him down — including new members Wild Child and Mystique! But even with a nanotech inhibitor in her skull courtesy of teammate Forge, can Raven Darkhölme be trusted? As the sinister Dark Beast from the Age of Apocalypse schemes in the shadows, Havok has a showdown with Random — but will he walk away from X-Factor? Plus: The holographic Shard joins the team just in time for the rebirth of Forge’s eternal foe, the evil Adversary! How will X-Factor react when the government forces them to add the savage Sabretooth to the team lineup?! And what foe from their shared past causes Mystique and Sabretooth to go AWOL for a solo adventure?COLLECTING: X-Factor (1986) 112-126, Sabretooth and Mystique (1996) 1-4, Marvel Fanfare (1996) 6, material from X-Men Prime (1995) 1

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X-Factor - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 10: Wreaking Havok

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