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What If..? Galactus: Galactus Transformed Hulk? - Variant Cover E (2025)
Band 1

Serie: What If..? Galactus: Galactus Transformed Hulk? - Variant Cover E (2025)
Zusatzinfo: E - Variant Cover by Ryan Brown / One-Shot 2025
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Mat Groom / Lan Medina / Ryan Brown
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 32

The first in a new series of one-shots that asks the question: What if Galactus recruited some of Marvel's best and brightest heroes as his new cosmic heralds? See how the Power Cosmic transforms these once-familiar champions, twisting and turning all of Marvel history in their wake! In this tale, Galactus has conscripted Earth's strongest warrior - the Incredible Hulk - into his service. But what will turn out to be the bigger mistake: trying to direct the fury of the Green Goliath…or giving the great mind of Bruce Banner a cosmic problem to solve?

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