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Savage Avengers - Vol. 1 by Gerry Duggan (Paperback)
Band 2

Serie: Savage Avengers - Vol. 1 by Gerry Duggan (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Gerry Duggan / Patch Zircher / Valerio Giangiordano
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 392
Preis: 48,64 €
In den Warenkorb

The most vicious team of antiheroes in the Marvel Universe continues their rampage, including fan favorites like Venom, Wolverine, Punisher...and Conan the Barbarian!Conan the Barbarian, Wolverine, Black Widow, Hellstrom, Brother Voodoo, Magik and more stand against Kulan Gath — and when the ancient evil’s plan involves the international drug trade, you can bet on the Punisher crashing the party! But what brings the Black Knight and the Juggernaut into the fray? Imprisoned on Ryker's Island, Conan breaks out with Deadpool’s help — only to face the King in Black’s symbiote invasion! Plus: Spider-Man cuts in on Conan’s riotous team-up with the Rhino, and Ghost Rider roars onto the scene! And Doctor Strange returns to help the Savage Avengers overcome the monstrous and mystically charged Kulan Gath with the fate of the entire planet in the balance!COLLECTING: Savage Avengers (2019) 13-28, Empyre: Savage Avengers (2020) 1

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Savage Avengers - Vol. 1 by Gerry Duggan (Paperback)
Band 1
48,64 €
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