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Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 13: Stark Wars

Serie: Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Zusatzinfo: New Printing 2025
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Bob Layton / Mark Bright
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 496
Preis: 48,64 €
In den Warenkorb

One of the most tumultuous eras in Iron Man history begins as Tony Stark goes after anyone and everyone wearing armor!Time for the Armored Avenger to start avenging! Tony Stark is back in the groove as Iron Man, from outer space to the ocean depths. But the new Stark Enterprises is on constant super-villain alert, under attack from familiar faces like Spymaster and new threats like the ethereal Ghost. And when Tony discovers that his technology has been stolen and abused, he declares war on anyone in armor! Iron Man's new ruthless streak brings him into conflict with the U.S. government, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers. And as his actions grow ever more extreme, he must battle an old friend in a new guise - Steve Rogers, aka the Captain! By the time the dust settles on these Armor Wars, the world might need a new Iron Man!COLLECTING: IRON MAN (1968) #215-232 and ANNUAL #9

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 15: Doom
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Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 14: Return of the Ghost
48,64 €
Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 17: War Machine
43,23 €
Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 20: In the Hands of Evil
48,64 €
Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 5: Battle Royal
43,23 €
Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 18: The Return of Tony Stark
48,64 €
Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 21: The Crossing
54,04 €
Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 6: The War Of The Super Villains
48,64 €
Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 22: Age of Innocence
48,64 €
Iron Man - Epic Collection (Paperback)
Band 7: Ten Rings To Rule The World
48,64 €
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Portofreier Versand ab 40,- Euro
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