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Incredible Hulk, The - Vol. 4 (ab 2023)
Band 20

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Serie: Incredible Hulk, The - Vol. 4 (ab 2023)
Zusatzinfo: C - Winter Holiday Variant Cover by Greg Land
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Phillip Kennedy Johnson / Danny Earls / Greg Land
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

WOLVES AT THE DOOR! In the aftermath of Banner and Charlie's dramatic escape from Las Vegas, they're back on the road and lying low…or so Banner thinks. But as Charlie goes off at night to revel in the newfound power she doesn't understand, she's found by WEREWOLF BY NIGHT, who warns her about the consequences of what she's done…and what she's becoming. Meanwhile, HULK is hunted down by one of those consequences: one of the oldest, most powerful creatures on Earth, the immortal wolf-demon VÂRCOLAC!

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Incredible Hulk, The - Vol. 4 (ab 2023)
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