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Alien: Paradiso (ab 2024)
Band 1: (von 5)

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Serie: Alien: Paradiso (ab 2024)
Zusatzinfo: D - 1:25 Andrei Bressan Retailer Incentive Variant Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Steve Foxe / Edgar Salazar / Andrei Bressan
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 32
Preis: 24,00 €
In den Warenkorb

WELCOME TO PARADISO! Welcome to Paradiso, where the money flows like blood and the blood flows like acid! The Tulum of space, Paradiso is a hidden gem among the colonies with its tropical climate, white sand beaches and a remarkable population of hyper-wealthy criminals. When Colonial Marshals Dash Nanda and Lydia Reeves are sent there to bust a smuggling ring, they think they've hit the job-assignment jackpot. But the only ones getting lucky here are those HUNGRY enough to take what they need. Steve Foxe, Edgar Salazar and guest contributor Peter Nguyen shine neon lights on the horrors of the Alien franchise with a bold story of the gambles we must take to survive!

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Alien: Paradiso (ab 2024)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Alien: Paradiso (ab 2024)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Alien: Paradiso (ab 2024)
Band 1: (von 5)
5,39 €
Alien: Paradiso (ab 2024)
Band 2: (von 5)
4,31 €
Alien: Paradiso (ab 2024)
Band 4: (von 5)
4,31 €
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