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Skin Police (ab 2024)
Band 3: (von 4)

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Serie: Skin Police (ab 2024)
Zusatzinfo: Cover B by Andy Belanger
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jordan Thomas / Daniel Gete / Andy Belanger
Verlag: Oni Press
Seiten: 32

Rising star Jordan Thomas (The Man From Maybe) and bombshell artist Daniel Gete (Über) continue to shock and fascinate with a jolting current of hi-octane dystopian sci-fi that would make Orwell himself say, “That’s seriously messed up.” Don’t miss the mini-epic of the year! In his role as an agent of the DIC, Brisson Eckis has earned his reputation as the best of the best. He’s made a career hunting and capturing potentially homicidal clones, aka “Dupes,” and for him, it’s always been business. But when someone very close to him is marked for assassination by the Pro-Dupe League, things are about to get very personal . . .

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