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Tectiv (Paperback)
Band 1: Noirtopia

Serie: Tectiv (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Richard Ashley Hamilton / Marco Matrone
Verlag: Mad Cave Studios
Seiten: 180
Preis: 16,21 €
In den Warenkorb

When her best friend vanishes, Bingo Finder — the only literate person in a post-apocalyptic L.A. — turns to her beloved, ancient books for inspiration, becoming the first detective in centuries. But to solve this mystery, Bingo must fight for her own life and uncover a conspiracy within this fragile civilization. Bingo and every other teen in the sprawling farming village of Ellay knows the tales of the old days — of how their great-great-great-grandparents rebuilt what was left of society after some apocalypse or whatever. But that’s ancient history. Boring. Nah, for Bingo’s generation, today is about staying busy — distracted, even — while tilling the reclaimed City of Industry fields or unloading barges at the seedy port of Bel Air. Or in Bingo’s case, scavenging ruins for artifacts to upcycle and trade at the bartering bazaars — including Bingo’s favorite leftovers, these old things called “books.” Ever heard of ‘em? Her favorites are the TECTIV books, the ones about men who walked rain-slicked streets at night in hats and trench coats. They searched for answers in a city called L.A., just like Bingo. It was their job. And after the sudden disappearance of her best friend, Fenn, Bingo decides that’s what she’s gonna have to be if she wants to get answers — a new kind of TECTIV for a new world. Because everyone may believe Fenn's disappearance was the first crime in a long time. But Bingo’s about to learn that it wasn’t. And it sure won’t be the last…
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