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Hyde Street (ab 2024)
Band 3

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Serie: Hyde Street (ab 2024)
Zusatzinfo: Cover C by German Peralta
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Geoff Johns / Danny Miki Ivan Reis / German Peralta
Verlag: Image Comics
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

The Blackest Night and Aquaman team of GEOFF JOHNS and IVAN REIS continue their epic horror series! Picture, if you will, a holiday season filled not with joy or cheer, but with shadows and secrets. Enter a man known only as Mr. X-Ray. His journey is a desperate one, seeking escape from the inescapable. Standing in his way, an innocent malevolence: Pranky, a boy scout who lives not to serve his fellow man, but to serve the dark power that presides over Hyde Street. Yet, during this strange Christmas tale, these two unlikely figures may find common ground…or not.

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Hyde Street (ab 2024)
Band 1
19,00 €
Hyde Street (ab 2024)
Band 2
4,31 €
Hyde Street (ab 2024)
Band 2
4,31 €
Hyde Street (ab 2024)
Band 2
4,31 €
Hyde Street (ab 2024)
Band 1
4,31 €
Hyde Street (ab 2024)
Band 6
4,31 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Hyde Street (ab 2024)'
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Portofreier Versand ab 40,- Euro
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sehr guter Zustand, praktisch neuwertig

Zustand 2
es gibt normale Gebrauchsspuren, kleine Defekte möglich

Zustand 3
deutliche Gebrauchsspuren, Knicke, kleine Risse oder auch Beschriftungen möglich.

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