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Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
Band 2: (von 5)

Serie: Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
Zusatzinfo: B - Card Stock Variant Cover by Stephen Bliss
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Jeff Parker / Michele Bandini Lukas Ketner / Stephen Bliss
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

To find the missing Justice League, Klaus, Zatanna, and Robin will brave the greatest terror of the holidays...a Christmas party. You are cordially invited to a winter solstice gathering of the strange and oft-deadly magical community at the Georgetown mansion of Baron Winters, one guest limit. After a performance by sirens and banshees, we will gather in the Baron's study, where noted demonologist Jason Blood will be giving a reading on the origins of the being called the Silent Knight!

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Weitere Comics der Serie:

Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
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Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
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5,39 €
Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
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Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
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Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
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Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
Band 3: (von 5)
5,39 €
Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
Band 4: (von 5)
4,31 €
Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)
Band 5: (von 5)
4,31 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns (2024)'
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Zustand 2
es gibt normale Gebrauchsspuren, kleine Defekte möglich

Zustand 3
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