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Battle Action - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Band 4: (von 10)

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Serie: Battle Action - Vol. 2 (ab 2024)
Fomat: Magazin
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Garth Ennis / Keith Burns / Henry Flint
Verlag: Rebellion - 2000Ad
Seiten: 32
Preis: 8,64 €
In den Warenkorb

In the fourth part of the final Johnny Red story, A Couple of Heroes, air ace Nina Petrova has been captured and is being interrogated about her association with Johnny Red, but her future looks bleak, and she holds on to her memories of the adventures she had with Johnny during the war. Garth Ennis and Keith Burns create this flashback story, looking at what happened to the infamous pilot as World War II comes to an end. This issue also contains a stand-alone western adventure, The General, featuring a Civil War-era bounty hunter on the trail of a double agent whose loyalty cannot even be assumed to belong to either army, in this action-packed thriller from Rob Williams and Henry Flint/

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