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Briar (Paperback)
Band 2

Serie: Briar (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Christopher Cantwell / Alex Lins / Ramon K. Perez
Verlag: Boom! Studios
Seiten: 128
Preis: 16,21 €
In den Warenkorb

The slaying of Dreadcrawl brought only infamy for Briar and her band of bounty hunting companions. They may be chivalrous in truth, but the whispers of their capacity for swords plunged through the hearts of any that cross them is enough to keep their coin purses empty. However, between the zealous arm of the law, a future filled with more accursed cold and devastation than the snow-capped mountains, and heavy chains for our heroes, will Spider's clever plan be enough for Briar to finally reach the castle of her evil fairy godmother Grendrid? And will there be room yet for love to blossom between Briar and a close companion in such a desolate land? Written by Eisner Award-nominated, screenwriter, producer, and director Christopher Cantwell (Halt & Catch Fire, Iron Man) and illustrated by Eisner Award-nominated illustrator Alex Lins (Monarch, Namor), witness the next chapter of the "Sleeping Beauty" who was never saved, left to ruin and rot, brought to waking life against all odds in a darker world than she ever dreamed possible. Collects Briar #5-8.

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