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Complete ElfQuest, The (Paperback)
Band 8: Futurequest

Serie: Complete ElfQuest, The (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Wendy Pini
Verlag: Dark Horse Comics
Seiten: 736
Preis: 32,42 €
In den Warenkorb

In the distant future, humans have come to know the truth—they were not alone on their world. Now, one compelling mystery remains—why did the ElfQuest elves disappear and where did they go?Cutter’s quest is complete, but now stargazer Skywise and his daughter Jink set out on separate quests of their own to recover something precious that has been lost—or stolen. Their journeys span both space and time, bridging the past and the future of the World of Two Moons, now known as Abode.Meanwhile the planet’s human inhabitants have entered their own technological age and have come to face the truth: they were never alone on their world. One perplexing mystery remains unsolved—why did the elves of Abode disappear, and where did they go? Jink makes the answer her personal quest, even as she crosses paths with a rowdy group of space-faring misfits, the Rebels, on their own search for answers.Collects Jink #1-#12; Rebels #1-#12, Stargazer's Hunt

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Complete ElfQuest, The (Paperback)
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