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Joy Operations (Paperback)
Band 2

Serie: Joy Operations (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Brian Michael Bendis / Stephen Bryne
Verlag: Dark Horse Comics
Seiten: 112
Preis: 27,02 €
In den Warenkorb

Brian Michael Bendis, the New York Times bestselling, Peabody and multi-Eisner award-winning co-creator of Miles Morales, Naomi, Jessica Jones, and Powers, returns with scorching hot comics sensation Stephen Byrne (Wonder Twins, Legion of Superheroes) for their hit creator-owned blockbuster series.The JOY operation is back! That means Joy Corrigan and Hampton are back! They are two of the greatest En Vois in this fast-paced, fiercely ambitious sci-fi odyssey who now share the same body and the credit for saving the entire world from the broken trust technology…and the blame. It's fifty-five years from right now. Joy was an En Voi. A special agent of one of the Jonando Trust. Trusts are corporate-owned cities that are the centerpiece of modern society. She rights wrongs for the trust. Because of the Joy operation that saved the world Joy lives with fellow En Voi Hampton inside her head. Joy and Hampton try to embrace their 'new life’ together. They re-enter society...and Joy's marriage. They try to re-establish a connection in a new trust, but there are many people in the world who blame Joy for what has happened. The joy operation has an enemies list!Collects Joy Operations series II #1–#4.

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Joy Operations (Paperback)
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27,02 €
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