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Andrzej Sapkowski´s The Witcher: The Edge of the World (Hardcover)
Band 1

Serie: Andrzej Sapkowski´s The Witcher: The Edge of the World (Hardcover)
Fomat: Buch / Hardcover
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Andrzej Sapkowski / Tommaso Bennato
Verlag: Dark Horse Comics
Seiten: 56
Preis: 19,45 €
In den Warenkorb

A devilish tale full of shocking twists is presented in this graphic novel adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski's original short story.Work is hard to come by for Geralt and with Dandelion, not a subject for his rhymes or ballads. As they travel to the edge of the known world, townsfolk speak of many stories but it seems that’s all they are—recitals of monsters and superstition—until a man follows Geralt with news of a devil scavenging the local fields. Rid the beast, but under no condition is he to be killed. Only how can Geralt hunt the creature, for there is no such things as devils . . .This graphic novel is the third in a series of adaptations from Sapkowski's acclaimed short story collection The Last Wish!

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