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Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
Band 4: (von 4)

Serie: Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
Zusatzinfo: A - Cover by Jason Muhr
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Thomas Krajewski / Jason Muhr
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 32
Preis: 4,31 €
In den Warenkorb

A SHOCKING REVELATION! Groot and Bruce Banner are now questioning everything they think they know about the Zombie virus that's taken over the city and their friends. But to be sure, Banner needs to secure a sample from Captain America. Suited up in Hulkbuster armor and flanked by Iron Man's suits, the duo must again face off against the Avengers. Are the heroes - and all of humanity - doomed to a permanent zombie fate? Or will Groot step up and be the hero Captain America believes he can be?

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Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
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Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
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Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
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Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
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Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
Band 2: (von 4)
4,31 €
Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
Band 2: (von 4)
4,31 €
Marvel Zombies: Dawn of Decay (2024)
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4,31 €
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