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Dick Tracy - Vol. 4 (Paperback)
Band 1

Serie: Dick Tracy - Vol. 4 (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Michael Moreci Alex Segura / Geraldo Borges
Verlag: Mad Cave Studios
Seiten: 128
Preis: 19,45 €
In den Warenkorb

DICK TRACY RETURNS IN A NEW ONGOING SERIES FROM MAD CAVE! A new era for the iconic detective starts here, from bestselling and acclaimed authors Alex Segura and Michael Moreci, as an all-new, noir-infused chapter in the Dick Tracy legacy kicks off with superstar artist Geraldo Borges. In the aftermath of World War II, the country stands frozen--waiting for the next shoe to drop. In The City, a brutal murder draws the attention of rising star detective Dick Tracy, who soon discovers the bloodshed is just the beginning of a complicated web that threatens to ensnare everything he cares about. Blending the classic elements of the Dick Tracy world (including his iconic villains, supporting cast, and unforgettable watch radio) with a hardboiled and realistic take, volume one of Dick Tracy kicks off a fresh and modern take on the iconic detective that remains true to his rich history.
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