Besucher | 303886807 |
Comics | 202734 |
Update | 13.02.2025 |
Blue Beetle - Vol. 5 (Paperback) Band 2 |
Art by Adrian Gutierrez, Scott Kolins, Howard Porter, Cully Hamner and Natacha Bustos In the aftermath of the Scarab War, two Blue Beetles must grapple with their futures. Jaime Reyes has lost his connection with Khaji-Da, the scarab who grants him all his abilities. And Ted Kord, still recovering from the Blood Scarab's brutal attack, might be willing to give up the hero thing for good, no matter what his best buddy, Booster Gold, might say. But nature and Victoria Kord both abhor a vacuum, so there's going to be a hero protecting Palmera City--it just might not be a Blue Beetle!
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