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Vampirella - Variant Cover Z (Limitiert)
Band 673

Serie: Vampirella - Variant Cover Z (Limitiert)
Zusatzinfo: Cover I - 1:15 Ergün Gündüz Virgin Retailer Incentive Variant Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: 1
Autor: Christopher Priest / Ivan F Silva / Ergun Gunduz
Verlag: Dynamite Entertainment
Seiten: 32
Preis: 10,00 €
In den Warenkorb

Dying from a deadly plague, Draculina has taken refuge within the astral plane known as the "Dark World" - only to find herself pursued by monsters created from her own childhood imagination! With her escape route blocked by a Dark World "Vampirella" formed from her own hateful imagination, the two sisters' dark and twisted bond is explored in depth as Draculina struggles to tame the destructive impulse of her own psyche. Comics legend CHRISTOPHER PRIEST and acclaimed artist IVÁN F. SILVA bring the Daughters of Drakulon head to head in Vampirella #673 - artfully enhanced by covers from LUCIO PARRILLO, ELIAS CHATZOUDIS, SORAH SUHNG, ERGÜN GÜNDÜZ, and cosplay by RACHEL HOLLON!

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Vampirella - Variant Cover Z (Limitiert)
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Vampirella - Variant Cover Z (Limitiert)
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13,00 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Vampirella - Variant Cover Z (Limitiert)'
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