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Rugrats: The Bestest Comics Book (Paperback)
Band 2

Serie: Rugrats: The Bestest Comics Book (Paperback)
Fomat: Paperback
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Nicole Andelfinger / Esdras Cristobal / Jay Fosgitt
Verlag: Boom! Studios
Seiten: 208
Preis: 18,37 €
In den Warenkorb

It's time to put down the bottle, hike up your diapies and get ready for adventure in this special collection of classic Rugrats material! In the R is for Reptar special, it's storytelling time with the Rugrats, and the babies go head-to-head for who can tell the best tale of the mighty Reptar! Meanwhile, in the C is for Chanukah special, Tommy and the gang try to save the holiday from Grandpa Boris's bad memory. And in The Last Token, a day at the arcade goes haywire when the token stock goes down to one, and every kid, along with Tommy and the gang, are frenzied for the final game! Collects R is for Reptar, C is for Chanukah, and Rugrats: The Last Token.

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Rugrats: The Bestest Comics Book (Paperback)
Band 1
18,37 €
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