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Space Usagi: White Star Rising (2024-2025)
Band 2

Serie: Space Usagi: White Star Rising (2024-2025)
Zusatzinfo: Cover A by Stan Sakai
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Stan Sakai
Verlag: Dark Horse Comics
Seiten: 32
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

With the bounty hunter Rhogen on their side, Usagi and his team plan to infiltrate Shirohoshi Castle and collect the clan’s secret information before the Kajitori can steal it. This miniseries will be newly colored by longtime collaborator Emi Fujii! Each issue will also include a new eight-page short story by Julie Sakai and Stan Sakai, featuring Space Usagi’s Akemi character! • Features an original "Akemi" short story from Julie Sakai and Stan Sakai. • Three issue series.

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Space Usagi: White Star Rising (2024-2025)
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Space Usagi: White Star Rising (2024-2025)
Band 2
29,00 €
Space Usagi: White Star Rising (2024-2025)
Band 3: (von 3)
5,39 €
Zeige alles der Serie 'Space Usagi: White Star Rising (2024-2025)'
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