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New Avengers - Omnibus: Variant Cover - New Printing (Oversized HC)
Band 1

Serie: New Avengers - Omnibus: Variant Cover - New Printing (Oversized HC)
Zusatzinfo: B - DM Variant Cover by Joe Quesada / New Printing
Fomat: Oversized Hardcover
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Brian Michael Bendis / David Finch / Joe Quesada
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 1208
Preis: 135,14 €
In den Warenkorb

The blockbuster series that forever changed Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Brian Michael Bendis' New Avengers series revitalized the team for the 21st century!The first half of Brian Michael Bendis’ radical Avengers revamp is collected in one massive volume! When the Avengers are disassembled by an insane Scarlet Witch, a new and decidedly different team rises to take their place — including Spider-Man, Wolverine and Luke Cage! These New Avengers face down a prison break, the secrets of the Sentry, the menace of the multi-powered Collective and more — and even find time to celebrate the marriage of one of their own. But when a terrible tragedy kicks off a superhuman Civil War, will the newly created team be irrevocably shattered?COLLECTING: Avengers (1998) 500-503, Avengers Finale (2004), New Avengers (2004) 1-31, New Avengers Annual (2006) 1, New Avengers Most Wanted Files (2005), New Avengers Guest Starring the Fantastic Four (2005), Giant-Size Spider-Woman (2005) 1, New Avengers: Illuminati One-Shot (2006), Civil War: The Confession (2007), Civil War: The Initiative (2007)From TI 9781302959142 HC.
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