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Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 6: (von 6)

Serie: Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Zusatzinfo: Cover A by Ludo Lullabi
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Michael Calero / Kit Wallis / Ludo Lullabi
Verlag: Massive
Seiten: 24
Preis: 5,39 €
In den Warenkorb

The misadventures continue in a brand new season of Quested by writers Michael Calero (Alpha Betas, Sumerian's American Psycho) and Thomas Parson, with art by Kit Wallis (Good Boy, Mr.Easta). "Lothar, the Quested..." Celebrated. Heralded. Mythologized... Jinx has lived his whole life in the shadow of the titan who saved Faerbraun through a heroic sacrifice -the father he never got to meet. Or so the story goes. While on an epic quest to rescue his long lost father from the Underbraun, Jinx finally learns the truth behind the myth.

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 1
5,39 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 1
5,39 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 2
5,39 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 2
5,39 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 3
5,39 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 3
5,39 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 4
5,39 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 4
5,39 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 1
19,00 €
Quested - Vol. 2 (2023-2025)
Band 5
5,39 €
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