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Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Band 1: (von 4)

Serie: Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Zusatzinfo: 2nd Printing Variant Cover
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Benjamin Percy / Greg Land / Marco Checchetto
Verlag: Marvel
Seiten: 48
Preis: 8,64 €
In den Warenkorb

THE THRILL IS THE KILL! The bloodthirsty saga you've been waiting for! Wolverine has lived one of the longest and most storied lives in Marvel Comics history. Now witness the untold greatest battles of Logan's life - against a Predator! One Yautja seeks the greatest prey in existence - and finds it in Weapon X. From the blood-ridden snows of the Canadian wilderness to the sword-slinging streets of Madripor, Wolverine and a Predator break everything in their paths on their way to the ultimate victory…or glorious death. Superstar writer Benjamin Percy brings the bloodiest hunters in all pop culture to their knees!

Weitere Comics der Serie:

Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Band 1: (von 4)
24,00 €
Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Band 1: (von 4)
49,00 €
Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Band 1: (von 4)
8,64 €
Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Band 1: (von 4)
8,64 €
Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Band 2: (von 4)
59,00 €
Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Band 4: (von 4)
49,00 €
Predator vs. Wolverine (2023)
Band 2: (von 4)
6,48 €
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Portofreier Versand ab 40,- Euro
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per Lastschrift oder Vorkasse
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deutliche Gebrauchsspuren, Knicke, kleine Risse oder auch Beschriftungen möglich.

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