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Batman and Robin - Vol. 3 Annual (2024)
Band 1

Serie: Batman and Robin - Vol. 3 Annual (2024)
Zusatzinfo: B - Card Stock Variant Cover by David Nakayama / One-Shot 2024
Fomat: Heft
Zustand: Neu
Autor: Joshua Williamson / Howard Porter / David Nakayama
Verlag: DC
Seiten: 48
Preis: 7,56 €
In den Warenkorb

FATHER-AND-SON ROAD TRIP! Batman and Robin have gone through hell the last few months, so Bruce decides to take Damian on a camping trip to bond. But as they try to enjoy the great outdoors, they find a different kind of hunting ground...one that hunts the most dangerous game! Trapped and cut off from their weapons and backup, Batman and Robin must use their surroundings to hold off and take down some of DC's deadliest mercenaries!

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